Apple Prepping Big Move with Its Vision Pro Headset

Discover how Apple is preparing for a big move with its Vision Pro headset by expanding to international markets. Learn about the training sessions for overseas Apple Store staff and what this means for the future of mixed reality.

May 13, 2024 - 22:13
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Apple Prepping Big Move with Its Vision Pro Headset

Apple Expands Vision Pro Headset to International Markets

Since the launch of the Vision Pro headset in February, Apple has been gearing up for a significant expansion beyond the U.S. According to renowned Apple analyst Mark Gurman, the tech giant is now training staff from overseas Apple Stores on how to present the mixed-reality Vision Pro headset to customers.

Intensive Training Sessions at Cupertino

Recent reports indicate that Apple has commenced training sessions at its Cupertino headquarters for hundreds of employees from its international retail stores. These sessions, which can last up to four days, provide an extensive overview of the Vision Pro headset and strategies for effective customer demonstrations, especially during one-on-one sessions.

Initial International Markets

According to Gurman, the Vision Pro headset will soon be available in stores across several international markets, including Germany, France, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and China. This move is expected to follow Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference next month. While Apple has been tight-lipped about its exact plans, it has confirmed that China will be among the new markets for the Vision Pro.

Renewed Interest and Developer Opportunities

The initial excitement surrounding the Vision Pro headset has waned since its high-profile launch. However, Apple hopes that expanding to new markets will reignite interest and attract a fresh wave of potential buyers. This strategy could also stimulate developers to create innovative apps for the headset, enhancing its appeal.

Upcoming VisionOS 2.0 Release

Apple is also looking forward to the launch of the second version of its visionOS operating system next month. The update aims to improve the headset's usability and overall user experience, making the Vision Pro an even more compelling product in the growing mixed-reality market.

What This Means for Apple's Future

Expanding the Vision Pro headset to international markets marks a crucial step in Apple's strategy to dominate the mixed-reality space. By investing in comprehensive training and targeting key global markets, Apple is positioning itself to capture a larger share of this burgeoning industry.

As the Vision Pro becomes more accessible worldwide, it will likely drive further innovation in mixed reality, both from Apple and third-party developers. This expansion could set the stage for even more advanced technologies and applications in the near future.


Apple's preparation for the international launch of the Vision Pro headset highlights its commitment to expanding its presence in the mixed-reality market. With intensive training for staff and strategic targeting of key global markets, Apple is poised to make a significant impact. The upcoming VisionOS 2.0 release is set to enhance the user experience, potentially making the Vision Pro a must-have device for tech enthusiasts worldwide.

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